The Patriot Post® · High Schoolers Deliver Groceries to Those Vulnerable to COVID

By Culture Beat ·

“Amid this time of pandemics, protests, and partisanship, there isn’t much good news out there. But there is some. Take the Project Support Initiative.”

“Recently established by Virginia high schooler Akshath Mahajan and his friend Maneesh Vallurupalli, the project helps the ‘elderly and immuno-compromised by picking up their groceries and essentials and delivering them through no contact delivery.’”

“Mahajan told me that he ‘came up with this idea when my research mentor told me how he was scared to go get groceries as both him and his wife were quite elderly, and he didn’t want to bring the virus back to his house and put her life at risk. I offered to buy his groceries for him and asked him if he knew anyone else who would need help. He pointed me to some of his friends, and through word-of-mouth, the organization started to grow in my area, and I decided to officially name it Project Support Initiative. Since then, through the recommendation of my cousin, I posted about our initiative on Reddit, and the response was amazing with over thirty requests for forming new chapters from 20 states and two countries.’”

Read more at Washington Examiner.